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(Updated: 06 September 2001)

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(Updated: 6 October 2000)

Lord Justice Auld

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How to contact us

Lord Justice Auld would welcome information and views, in writing, from anyone who considers that he or she can assist him in his task. Submissions are required by the end of March 2000 where possible.

To assist those who may wish to respond to this invitation, the Review includes but is not limited to, the following matters:-

  • the structure and organisation of, and distribution of work between, courts;

  • their composition, including the use of juries and of lay and stipendiary magistrates;

  • case management, procedure and evidence (including the use of information technology);

  • service to and treatment of all those who use or have to attend courts or who are the subject of their proceedings;

  • liaison between the courts and agencies involved in the criminal justice system;

  • management and funding of the system.

Lord Justice Auld has received over 900 written submissions during the course of the year. He has now reached the end of the information-gathering stage of the Review, and will not be able to consider any further letters received after Friday 24 November 2000.

See:- "How to contact us"