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Appendix 5
Jury Excusal and Deferral: J Airs and A Shaw, Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate Research Study No. 102, 1999
Jury service: a personal observation, Anon., Legal Action Group Bulletin, December 1979, 278, referred to throughout as the LAG psychologist.
Why I despair for British Justice, Anon., Daily Mail, 27th December, 1990
Evidence evaluation in jury decision-making, R Arce, Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts (Bull & Carson eds.) 1995
The criminal process an evaluative study, A Ashworth, (2nd ed.,) Oxford, 1998
Jury trial,s J Baldwin and M McConville, Clarendon Press, 1979
The jury and reality, Z Bankowski,
The Jury Under Attack (Findlay & Duff eds.) 1998
Members of the jury, D Barber and G Gordon, Wildwood House, London 1974
The jury is still out: the role of jury science in the modern American courtroom, J W Barber, J W Barber, 31 Am Crim L Rev 1225, 1994
Miscarriages of justice in potentially capital cases, H A Bedau & M Radelet, 40 Stan. L. Rev. 21, 1987
Twelve men and true! Bah humbug, A Bell, 147 NLJ 1857, 1997
Jury selection and bias: debunking invidious stereotypes through science, M J Bonazzoli, 18 Quinnipiac Law Review 247, 1998
Jury decision making; an empirical study based on actual felony trials, D L Bridgeman and D Marlowe, 64 Journal of Applied Psychology No 2, 91-98, 1979
How to make jury verdicts less hit and miss, P Brock, The Times 23rd April 1980
The University of Chicago jury project, D W Broeder, 38 Nebraska L.R. 744, 1959
Carlton, Darbyshire, Harris, Hodgetts and Robbins, in separate articles 140 N.L.J. 1264-1276, 1990
Making legal language understandable, R Charrow & V Charrow, 79 Colum.L.Rev.1306, 1979
The law of the other, M Constable, University of Chicago Press, 1964
Contempt of Court Act, 1981
The Jury, W. R. Cornish, Allen Lane, 1970
Learning lessons and speaking rights. Creating educated and democratic juries, B M Dann, 68 IndLJ 1229, 1993
The Lamp That Shows That Freedom Lives: Is it Worth the Candle?, P Darbyshire, CrimLR 740, 1991
For the New Lord Chancellor Some Causes of Concern About Magistrates, P Darbyshire, CrimLR 861, 1997
The Judge, Devlin
Serving as a juryman in Britain, E Devons, 28 MLR 561, 1964
The case for jury waiver, S Doran & J Jackson, Crim LR 155, 1997
The Scottish criminal jury: a very peculiar institution, P Duff, 62 Law & Contemporary Problems 173, 1999
Anyone know what the Judge is on about?, C Dyer, The Guardian 17th July 2000
Hard Cases Make Bad Law, Editorial,142 NLJ 1293, 1992
A jurors tale, R Eldin, 138 NLJ 37, 1998
Some steps between attitudes and verdicts, P C Ellsworth, in R Hastie, ed., Inside the Juror, Cambridge University Press, 1993
Report of the Departmental Committee on jury service, Cmnd 2627, 1965
Making jury instructions understandable, A Elwork, B D Sales and J J Alfini, Charlottesville, VA: Michie, 1982
A ceiling or consistency effect for the comprehension of jury instructions, P W English & B D Sales, 3 Psychol Pub Poly & L 381, 1997
Multi racial juries, S Enright, 141 NLJ 992, 1991
Jury research in America, H S Erlanger, 4 Law & Society Review 345, 1970
The juror under attack, M Findlay & P Duff (eds), Butterworths, 1998
Common sense justice: jurors notions of the law, N J Finkel, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995
Race and the jury: racial disenfranchisement and the search for justice, H Fukurai, Edward W Butler and Richard Krooth, Plenum Press, 1993
Cross-sectional jury representation or systematic representation? Simple random and Cluster Sampling Strategies in Jury Selection, H Fukurai, E Butler & R Krooth, 19 Journal of Criminal Justice 31-48, 1991
Race, social class and jury participation: new dimensions for evaluating discrimination in jury service and jury selection, H Fukurai, 24 Journal of Criminal Justice No1, 71-88, 1996
The representative jury requirement: jury representatives and cross sectional participation from beginning to the end of the jury selection process, H Fukurai, 23 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, No1, 55-90, 1999
Social de-construction of race and affirmative action in jury selection, H. Fukurai, 11 La Raza LJ 17, 1999
The myths and realities of attorney jury selection folklore and scientific jury selection: what works?, S M. Fulero and S D Penrod, 17 Ohio NUI Rev 229, 1990
Explaining the verdict, J Gibbons, 147 N.L.J. 1454, 1997
The Jurymans Tale, T Grove, 1998
Sec. 12 of the Canada Evidence Act and the deliberation of simulated juries, V P Hans & A N Doob, 18 Crim. Law q235, 1976
The Arizona jury reform permitting civil jury trial discussions: The views of trial participants, judges and jurors ,V P Hans, P L Hannaford and G T Munsterman, 32 U Mich. JL Ref 349, 1999
Judging the Jury, V P Hans & N Vidmar, New York: Plenum Press, 1986
Why the middle class is a trial, J Harlow, The Sunday Times, 11th February 1990
Inside the Juror, R Hastie (ed), Cambridge University Press, 1993
Inside the Jury, R Hastie, S D Penrod & N Pennington, Harvard University Press, 1983
Magistrates Court or Crown Court? Mode of trial decisions and sentencing, C Hedderman & D Moxon, Home Office Research Study no125, 1992
Racism, impartiality and juries, P Herbert, 145 New Law Journal 1138, 1995
Instructing jurors: a field experiment with written and preliminary instructions, L Heuer & S D Penrod, Law and Human Behaviour, 13 at 409, 1989
The effect of jury nullification instruction on verdicts and jury functioning in criminal trials, I A Horowitz, 9 Law and Human Behaviour 25, 1985
The value of jury trial, J Jackson, in Criminal Justice (Attwood & Goldberg eds) pp87-93, 1995
Judge without jury: Diplock trials in the adversarial system, J Jackson & S Doran, Oxford, 1995
The Jury System in Contemporary Ireland: In the Shadow of a Troubled Past, J Jackson, K Quinn & T OMalley, 62 Law & Contemporary Problems 203, 1999
Black innocence and the white jury, S L Johnson, 83 Mich.L.R. 1611, 1985
Judicial Studies Board
Defining the standard of proof in jury instructions, D K Kagehiro, Psychological Science 194, 1990
Jury Representativeness: A Mandate for Multiple Source Lists, D Kairys, J Kadane and J P Lehoczky, 65 California Law Review 776-827, 1977
The American Jury, H Kalven & H Zeisel, Little Brown & Company, Boston, 1966
Reducing the effects of juror bias, M F Kaplan & L E Miller, In The Jury Box (Wrightsman, Kassin and Willis eds) p114
Dirty tricks of cross-examinations, S M Kassin et al,. 14 Law & Hum Behav 373, 1990
Final Report of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Jury System Improvement, J Clark Kelso, 47 Hastings L J 1433, 1996
The Route to Clear Jury Instructions, J Kimble, 78 Michigan Bar Journal 1406, 1999
Postconviction review of jury discrimination: measuring the effects of juror race on juror decisions, NJ King, 92 MichLR 63, 1993
The American criminal jury, N J King, 62 Law & Contemporary Problems 41, 1999
Stratified juror selection: cross section by design, N King and G T Munsterman, 79 Judicature No5, 273, 1996
Deliberating juror pre-deliberation discussions: should California follow the Arizona model?, N K Lakamp, 45 UCLA Law Review 845, 1998
D Leigh and R Lustig, in two articles in The Observer, 23rd August 1981
Telling tales in court: trial procedure and the story model, R Lempert, Cardoza LR vol.13:559, 1991
What social science teaches us about the jury instruction process, J D Lieberman & B D Sales, 3 PsycholPubPoly & L 589, 1997
The effects on juries of hearing about the defendants previous criminal record: a simulation study, S Lloyd-Bostock, Crim LR 734, 2000
Decline of the Little Parliament: juries and jury reform in England and Wales, S Lloyd-Bostock & C Thomas, 62 Law & Contemporary Problems 7, 1999
The trials of a UK juryman, S Lofthouse, 142 NLJ 561, 1992
Reducing the Trials of Jury Service, Lord Chancellors Department, Press Release, 31st August 2000
Jury research in England and the United States, S McCabe, 14 BJ Crim 276, 1974
The Shadow Jury at Work, S McCabe & Robert Purves, Oxford University Penal Research Unit, 1972
R v McCalla, CrimLR 335, 1986
Burdens of proof, degrees of belief, quanta of evidence, or Constitutional guarantees?, C M A McCauliff, 35 Vand.L.Rev 1293, 1982
Criminal justice in crisis, M McConville and L Bridges, Edward Elgar, 1994
The system in black and white: exploring the connections between race, crime and justice, (Markowitz & Jones-Brown, eds) Praeger, 2000
Jury selection in the United States: are there lessons to be learned?, R May, CrimLR 270, 1998
Juror characteristics: to what extent are they related to jury verdicts?, C J Mills and W E Bohannon, 64 Judicature Number 1, June/July 1980, 23-31, 1980
The psychology of jury persuasion, M O Miller & T A Mauet, 22 Am J Trial Advoc. 549, 1999
The criminal standard of proof ,J W Montgomery, 148 NLJ 582, 1998
Scientific juror selection: sex as a moderator of demographic and personality predictors of empanelled felony juror behaviour, Moran and Comfort, 43 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, No5, 1982
The Jury and the Legal System, G Mungham and Z Bankowski, in P Carlen, The Sociology of Law, P Carlen, University of Keele, Staffordshire, 1976
A Brief History of State Jury Reform Efforts, G T Munsterman, 79 Judicature, Number 5, March-April, 1996
The search for jury representativeness, G T Munsterman & J T Munsterman, 11 Justice System Journal (1) 59-78, 1986
Criminal Justice Process, N Padfield, (2nd ed) Butterworths, 1999
A cognitive theory of juror decision making: the story model, N Pennington & R Hastie, Cardoza LR vol 13:519, 1991
Statistics on race and the criminal justice system the 1995 British Crime Survey, Percy, Home Office Publications, 1998
Reasonable and other doubts: the problem of jury instructions, R C Power, 67 Tenn L R 45, 1999
Practice Note, 3 All ER 240, 1988
Jury deliberations, voting and verdict trends, JP Reed, 45 Social Scene Quarterly 361 370, 1965
Judge and jury: the Crown Court in action, P Robertshaw, Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1995
The Roskill Report, Fraud Trials Committee Report, London, HMSO, 1986
Social psychology in court, Saks and Hastie, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1978
What do jury experiments tell us about how juries (should) make decisions?, M J Saks, 6 S Cal Interdisciplinary LJ 1, 1997
Jurors and their Verdicts, A P Sealy and W R Cornish, 36 Modern Law Review 496, 1973
The vanishing juror: why are there not enough available jurors?, R Seltzer, 20 The Justice System Journal No3 203-218, 1999
Improving the ability of jurors to comprehend and apply criminal jury instructions, L J Severance & E F Loftus, Law & Society Review, 17, 1982
A more active jury: has Arizona set the standard for reform with its new jury rules?, J E Shtabsky, 28 AZSLJ 1009, 1996
The Jury and The Defence of Insanity, R J Simon, Little, Brown and co Boston
The jury system in America: a critical overview, R J Simon (ed), Sage Publications, 1975
Commensurability: understanding jury research and juror information processing, M S Sobus, 65 Def Couns J 408, 1998
Where is justice for the jury?, L Spence, The Times 6th August 1991
Jury instructions: a persistent failure to communicate ,W W Steele & E G Thornbug, 67 NCLRev 77, 1988
The psychology of criminal justice, G M Stephenson, Blackwell-Oxford, 1992
Procedural justice: a psychological analysis, J Thibaut & L Walker, 1975
Jury selection procedures, Van Dyke, Ballinger Publishing Company, 1977
Evidence and outcome: a comparison of contested trials in the magistrates courts and the Crown Court, J Vennard, Home Office Research Unit, London, 1986
The use of peremptory challenge and stand by of jurors and their relationship with trial outcome, J Vennard and David Riley, Crim LR 723, 1998
World jury systems, N Vidmar (ed) Oxford, 2000
The Canadian criminal jury, N Vidmar, 62 Law & Contemporary Problems 141, 1999
Juries and expert evidence: social framework testimony, N Vidmar & R A Schuller, 52 Law & Contemp Probs 133, 1989
Juror decision making: the importance of evidence, C A Visher, 11 Law and Human Behaviour, No1, 1-17, 1987
Criminal Justice Text & Materials, M Wasik & T Gibbons, Addison Wesley Longman, 1998
Beauty and the Beast: physical appearance discrimination in American criminal trials, D L Wiley, 27 St, Marys LJ 193, 1995
Jury source representativeness and the use of voter registration list,s C Williams, New York University Law Review, 590, 1990
On the inefficacy of limiting instructions, R Wissler & M Saks, 9 Law & Hum Behav 37, 1986
Criminal trials: curtailing the judges summing-up function, D Wolchover, The Law Society Gazette at p363, 5th Feb 1986
Should judges sum up the facts?, D Wolchover, Crim LR 784, 1989
In the jury box, L S Wrightsman, S M Kassin, C E Willis (eds), Sage, 1987
Colour blindness in the jury room, P Wynn Davis, The Independent, 29th June 1990
Juries in criminal trials, W Young, N Cameron and Y Tinsley, New Zealand Law Commission Preliminary Paper no 37, 1999
Cases and materials on the English legal system, M Zander, (8th ed.) Butterworths, 1999
The Royal Commission on Criminal Justice, Research Study no 19: Crown Court Study, M Zander & P Henderson, HMSO, 1993
Convincing empirical evidence on the six member jury, H Zeisel & S Steadman Diamond, 41 University of Chicago Law Review 281, 1974
The effect of peremptory challenges on jury and verdict: an experiment in a Federal District Court, H Zeisel and S Seidman Diamond, 30 Stanford Law Review 491-531, 1978
The jury on trial, H B Zobel, July-Aug. Am Heritage at 42, reported in 105 Yale LJ 2285, 1995