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Review of the
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Appendix 1
Mr M R Adamson
Mr N Addison
Mr R Ager
The Hon Mr Justice Aikens
Mr W T Alden
Mr H C Alexander
Mr S S Allen
Professor A Allot
Mr C Amos
Mr M A Ansell
Mrs J Anstis
Mr F Apfel
Ms P Appleby JP
Mr I E Argyle
Ms A Arnold
Ms G Ashworth, JP
The Hon Mr Justice Astill
Mr B Atherton
Mr M Auchincloss
Miss R Auld
Mr R Bailey
His Honour John A Baker, DL
Mr A Baker
Mr D Baker
Mr L E Baker
Mr S Baker
The Hon Mr Justice Scott Baker
Professor J Baldwin
Mr R Barker
Mr R J Batchelor
HHJ Bathurst Norman (on behalf of Southwark Crown Court Judges)
Mr M J Batt
Mr K Bayman
Mr B Beard
His Honour Judge Beashel
Mr A Beck
Mrs V Bell
The Hon Mr Justice Bell
Dr R Benians
Mr S Best
Mr D Bethlehem
Lady C Bett
Lord Bingham of Cornhill
Mr D Birrell
Mr J Blackwell
Mr P W Blackwell
Dr R Blenkinsop
The Hon Mr Justice Blofeld
Ms V J Boddington
Mr M L Boland
G C Bond
Mr P D Bradley
Mr P W Bridge
Professor L Bridges
Mr M V Bridgewater
Mr T Bright
Mrs M A J Brockbank
His Honour Judge Brodrick
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Brooke
Mr D Brooks
Mr T G M Brooks
Mr D Brown
Mr K Brown
Mr D Browning
Mr P Brudenell
Ms L Bryan-Brown
The Hon Mr Justice Buckley
Mr J T Bulled
His Honour Judge Burford QC
Mr R Burriss
Mr J Burrows
Mr A J P Butler
Mr I E M Buttress
Mrs L J Buxton
Mr M Cadman
Mr D Calvert-Smith QC
Mr G Carey
Mr G Carey QC
The Hon Mr Justice Carnwath CVO
The Hon N H Carruthers
Professor H Carty
Mr R J Castle
Mrs S C J Cawley
Mr R Chadwick
Lt Colonel Aubrey Chalmers
Mr M Chance
DJ C Chandler
His Honour Judge Chapman
Mr J W Cheeseman
Ms L Chillingworth
Mr G Claeys
Mr R Clancy
Mr T A Clark
His Honour Judge David Clarke QC
Dr K M Clews
Mr J Clucas
Dr J Coker
Mr V Coles
Mr J M Collins
The Hon Mr Justice Connell
Mr A Conrad QC
Mr J Cook
Mr R W Cook
Mr P Cooke
Mrs C A Cooke
Mr B Cooper
Mr G A Cooper
Mr M Cooper
Sir Louis Blom Cooper QC
Mr S G Cornford
Mr R Cory
The Hon Mr Justice Cresswell
Mr M Critchley
M Crookes
Mr M F Crosby
Mr C Cross
Dr K J Cross
Mr R Crosskey
Mr E Crowther
Mr R C Curry OBE TD
Ms S Curtis
The Hon Mr Justice Curtis
Mr F Dacros
Mr J Daly
Miss P Dann
Ms P Darbyshire
Baroness Darcy de Knayth
Mr P W Davidson
Mr B G Davies
Mr G Davies
His Honour Judge Sir Rhys Davies QC
Professor G Davis
Mr J S Davison
Ms M Davison
Mr D De Coteau
Mr C Dehn QC
Ms M C Dellor
His Honour Judge Devaux
Mr R Dobbelstein
Mr P R Douglas-Jones
Mr P Doyle
The Hon J Doyle
Mr D R Drew
Mr J V Duckett
Ms M Dyer
The Hon Mr Justice Eady
Mrs S J Eagle
Mrs J M Earle
Mrs M L Edgecombe
Mrs H Edmonds
Dr M Edwards
His Honour Judge Elgan Edwards
Mr J Edwards
Miss J Eeles
Mr D A Elliot
Mr C W Elston
Mr C Elstub
Mr H Elwes
Mr G M England
Mr J A Epp
Dr Z Erzinclioglu
Mr A J Evans
His Honour Judge Fabyan Evans
The Hon Mr Justice Roderick Evans
Mr D Faulkner
Ms D Fear
Mr A S Ferguson
Mr B Ferris
Mrs G Fielding
Mr M Firman
Mr P J Firth
Mrs K Fish
Mr D R Fletcher
Mr F Flin
Mrs A Foot
Mr T W Ford
Mr R Forrest
Mr A Foster
Mr M Foster
Mr M Fowler
His Honour Judge Fox QC
Mrs L Fox
Mr B France
Mr E J Franklin
Mr C Fraser
Mr R Frey
The Hon Mr Justice Gage
Mr G E G Galletly
Mr D Gammage
Mr J Gammon
Mr C Gardner
The Hon Mr Justice Garland
Mr E S Germaine
Ms F Gibb
The Hon Mr Justice Gibbs
Mr T Gilbert
Mr E Giles
Mr B Gill
The Hon Constance R Glube
Her Honour Judge Goddard
His Honour Judge Goldsack QC
Mr D W Gorman
Mr P S Gourlay
Mr R J Gourlay
His Honour John Gower
Mr M P Green
His Honour Judge David Griffiths
Mr M Griffiths
Dr S Gul
Mrs J M Gulliver
Mr K M Hack
Mr G W Hall
Mr J Hall
Dr S Halliday
Ms P Hamilton Bird
Mr R Hamilton
His Honour Judge Hammond
Mr B Hancock
Mrs M Hanley
Mr J A Hanson
The Hon J Harber-Phillips
Mrs N Harlow
Mrs J Harper
Mr B Harris OBE QC
Mr M Harris
Mr N H Harris
Mr G M J Harrison
Mr J R G Hawes
Miss S Hawkins
Mr N Hayes
Mr R J Haynes
Mr C Headley
Mr A Heaton-Armstrong
Mr K Hellawell QPM
Mr I J Henderson MP
His Honour Judge Heppel QC
Mr G Herrick
DJ P Hewitt
Mr R J Hibbert
Mr M Hill QC
Mr T Hillier
Mrs E L Hine
Mr S Hockman QC
His Honour Judge Hodson
Mr A R Hogg
Mr M Holden
The Hon Mr Justice Holland
Mrs S C Holman
Mr J G Holton
T J Horton
Mr B Houlder QC
Miss S Howard
Mr J J A Howath
The Hon Mr Justice Hughes
Mr A G Hunt
Dr M A Hunter
Mr P T Hurst
His Honour Judge Hyam
Dr A R Hyett
His Honour Hywel ap Robert
His Honour Judge Issard-Davies
His Honour Judge Dr Jackson
The Hon Mr Justice Jackson
Mr A Jacob
Mr G E James
Miss S A Jefford
Mr L Jerman
Mr S John
Mrs J Johnson
The Hon Mr Justice Johnson
Mr G Jones
Mr R L Jones
Mrs A Judge
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Judge
Mr H Karnac
The Hon Mr Justice Keene
Mr A Keily
Mr T C Kellett
Sir Ludovic Kennedy
The Hon Mr Justice Ian Kennedy
Mr I M Kenny
Mr J Kenny
Dr C Kent-Johnson
Mr G Kenure
The Hon Mr Justice Kirkwood
Mr S E Kisbee
Mr D Knight
Mrs E Knight
Mr P Knowles
Mr D Labdon
Mrs C L Lane
Mrs D Lawal
Miss S Lawrence
Ms P Lawrence
Lady Caroline Lay
Mrs A Lee
Mr G L Leigh
Mr S J Leighton
The Hon P J LeSage
His Honour Judge Levy
Dr H B M Lewis
Mr A Lewis
Mr A Linacre
Mr R V Lister
Mrs I Little
Mr A Lloyd Jones
Mr B E Lloyd
Dr S Lloyd-Bostock
Mrs H M Longbottom
The Hon Mr Justice Longmore
Dr J H Loose
Mr J Lord
Mr M Lovett
Ms E Low
Mr A Lowery
Mr C Luckhurst
The Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Lyell QC
Mr A J W Lynch
Mr P Lynch
Mr T J MacAndrews
Mr G Mackenzie
The Hon D K Macpherson
Mr N A MacRae
Mr H Malins CBE MP
His Honour Judge Mander
Mr R Manley
Mr R Marshall-Andrews QC MP
The Hon Justice B F Martin
Mr T Marwood
Mr D B Mash
His Honour Judge Matthews
Mr J Matthews
Miss K May
Mr C May
His Honour Judge McCarthy
The Hon A McEachern
His Honour Judge McElrea
Mr R McFarland
Master McKenzie CB QC
The Hon Beverly McLachlin
The Hon M McMurdo
Mr J Meads
His Honour Judge Mellor
Mr L Messer
Ms J Millan
Dame Barbara Mills DBE QC
Mr P Mitchell
Dr E R Moerman
Mrs M Moon
Dr J M Moore
Mr B Moore
Mr J Moore
The Hon Mr Justice Moore-Bick
Miss I Morgan
Professor R Morgan
His Honour Judge Morris
Professor N Morris
Mr N Moss
Dr K Murray
His Honour Judge Neligan
Mr J Nemes
Mr C Nevick
Mr S J D Newell
Mr A S Noble
Mr K Norman
Mr E F Northcote
Mr P Nyles
Mr P P Oakes
Mr D O'Brien
Mr C P O'Connor
Mr P O'Connor QC
Mr J O'Donnell
Mr F O'Donoghue
Mr W O'Leary
Sir Michael Ogden QC
Mr M Oldman
Mr C R Orchard
His Honour Judge Orde
Mr N Orton
Mrs R Palmer
Mr G E Parkinson
Mr C Parry QC
Mr J D Parry
Chief Justice Paul de Jersey
Mr R Paul-Jones
Mr G R Pearce
Her Honour Judge Pearlman
Mrs P Pearson
Mrs S Pearson
Mr F Pedley
Mr J Penny
Ms J Perry
Mr I Persuad
Mr A Peterson
Mrs M Peterson
Lord Phillips of Sudbury
His Honour Judge Philpot
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Pill
Mr N Pletchy
Mr M Podmore
Mr C Pollard QPM
Mr R Pond
The Hon Mr Justice Poole
Miss A M Pope
Jean, Tony & Louise Pratt
Mr T Price
Mrs L Price
Mr C Pritchard
Mr R Purchas
Mr C Purdy
Mr R Quaife
Mr M Quantrill
Mr D Radlett
Sir David Ramsbotham GCB CBE
Miss T Ranson
Mr D Raspin
Mr B A Rathmell
Baroness Rawlings
Mr J M Rawnsley
Ms M Read
Dr P Reed
The Hon Mr Justice Richards
Mr C S Richenberg
Mr J Rickard
Mr H Riddle
Mr S Rippon
His Honour Judge Rivlin QC
Dr K J B Rix
Mr F Roads
Dr P Robertshaw
Mr W Robertson
Mr D Robinson
Mr R K Robinson
Ms G Robson
His Honour Judge Rodwell QC
Mr J M F Rogers
His Honour Judge Rooke TD QC
Mr A Rosato
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Rose
The Hon Mr Justice Rougier
Mr M Routh
Mr I B Rowan
Mr I Rowing
Mr B Rowland
Mr M Rowley
Mr J Rozenberg
Mrs J H Sagi
Mr Saguall
His Honour Judge Samuels QC
Mr A Samuels
Mr N Sanders
Mr C R Sanderson
Professor I Scott
Mr R Scott-Duhig
Ms J Seal Stewart
Ms H Seddon
Mr P B Setterfield
Mr C R Seymour
Mr R Shallcroft
Mr B Sharp
Mr M Shaw
Ms A Shipp
Dame Helena Shovelton
Ms M Shuttleworh
The Hon Mr Justice Silber
Mr C T Silverthorne
Mr R Simmons
Mr J M Simon
Mrs D M Simpkins
Mr M Simpson
Dr R Simpson-White
Mr F Sinclair
Mr K Singh
Ms M Skilling
Mr W A Smart
Mr B Smith
Mr C J Smith
Mr M Smith
His Honour Judge Smith
Professor Sir John Smith
Mr J Snell
Mrs S Somjee
Ms M Spence
Mr C Stanley
Mr G Staple
Mr R I Starkey
The Hon Mr Justice David Steel
Mr A Stephens
Mr A Stevens
Ms J Stevens
Dr A Stevenson
Mr H Stevenson
Mr J W Stevenson
Mr N Stewart-Lack
Mrs M C Storey
Mr J Suffield
Mrs S Sullivan
The Hon Mr Justice Sullivan
The Hon Mr Justice Sumner
Mr L C Sutherland
Mr J Swan
The Hon Mr Justice C F Tallis
Mr J A Tanner
Ms J Tapley
Mr C Taylor
Mr S Taylor
Mrs M Taylor
T P Taylor
Mrs M Thacker
Mr D L Thomas
Mr W D Thomas
The Hon Mr Justice Thomas
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Swinton Thomas
Mr B Thompson
Mr T J Thompson
Mr P Thornley
His Honour Judge Thorpe
Mr N Thorpe
Mr R M Thorpe
Mr M Tildesley
Mr R Titheridge QC
Ms R Titley
Mrs B M Todd
Mr S Tombs
Mr A R Tomison
The Hon Mr Justice Toulson
The Hon Mr Justice Tucker
Senior Master Turner
Mr D K Uffindall
Mr W J Usher
Mr B Uttley
Mr J A Vagler
Mr R Walduck
Mr A A Walker
Mr K C Walker
Professor C Walker
Mr C G Wall
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Waller
Mr K F Walters
Mr G Ward
Mrs V Ward
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Ward
His Honour Judge Watling QC (on behalf of Chelmsford Crown Court Judges)
Mr D Watters
Mr D Watts
The Hon C K Wells
Mr T Welsh
Mr M Whincup
Mr G Whitburn QC
Mr I Whitby
Mr P Whitehouse QPM
Mr M Wi
Mr D Wilding
Mr M Wiles
Mrs A Wilkes
Mr J Williams
Ms P Williams
His Honour Judge Wilson
Mr J A Wilson
Ms P Wojciechowski
Mr D Wolchover
Mr R Wong
The Hon Mr Justice J Wood
Mrs D Worlock
Mr D Wornham
Mr T P Wragg
Mrs C J Wurr
Ms J Wynne
Mr H Young
Professor W Young
Professor Zander
Association of Chief Officers of Probation
Association of Chief Police Officers
Association of District Judges (Magistrates' Courts)
Association of Guardian ad Litem and Reporting Office Panel Managers
Association of Justices' Chief Executives
Association of Magisterial Officers
Association of Police and Court Interpreters
Association of Police Surgeons
Association of Sign Language Interpreters Legal Task Group
Australian Institute of Judicial Administration and the Standing Committee of Attorneys General
Barnado's, Policy, Planning and Research Unit
Barnet Bench
Bath & Wansdyke Bench
Bedfordshire Police
Berkshire Magistrates'Association
Bexley Magistrates' Courts Committee
Birmingham Bench
Brent Borough Criminal Justice Operational Group
Bristol Bench
Bristol Law Society
British Association in Forensic Medicine
British Computer Society
British False Memory Society
British Institute of Verbatim Reporters
British Juvenile and Family Courts Society
British Security Industry Association
British Standards Institute
British Transport Police
Bromley Bench
Bromley Magistrates' Courts Committee
Calderdale Bench
CambridgeshireProbation Service
Campaign For A National Legal Service
Canterbury and St Augustine Bench
Cardiff Bench
Central Council of Magistrates' Courts Committee
Central Buckinghamshire Bench Committee
Centre For Criminological Research and Probation Studies Unit, University of Oxford
Channel Bench East Kent
Chelmsford Crown Court Judges
Cheshire Constabulary
Cheshire Magistrates' Courts Committee
Children's Society
Children's Society, The Wales Advocacy Unit
City of London Magistrates' Courts Committee
City of London Police HQ
Cleveland Magistrates' Courts Committee
Cleveland Police HQ
Commission for Racial Equality
Consultative Committee West Dorset Bench
Council For Registration of Forensic Practitioners
Council of HMCircuit Judges
Court of Appeal New Zealand
Court Service, Bristol Group
Court Service, Chelmsford Group
Court Service, Exeter Group Managers
Court Service, London Crown Court Group
Court Service, Midland and Oxford Circuit
Court Service, Newcastle Group, (Manager's Office)
Court Service, North Eastern Circuit
Court Service, Teesside Group Staff and Judges
Criminal Bar Association
Crown Prosecution Service, Association of Senior Civil Servants
Crown Prosecution Service, HQ
Crown Prosecution Service, Inspectorate
Crown Prosecution Service, Maidstone
Croydon Magistrates' Courts Committee
Department of Justice, Canada
Department of Trade and Industry
Derbyshire Dales District Council
Document Evidence Ltd
Dorset Bench
Dorset Probation Service
Drayton Petty Sessional Division
Dunheved and Stratton Bench
Dyfed Probation Committee
Ealing Bench
East Central Division, Inner London Magistrates'Courts Service Justices
East Derbyshire Bench
East Sussex Magistrates' Association
Embassy of the Federal Republic
Enfield Bench
Enfield Petty Sessional Area Justices
Equal Treatment Advisory Committee of the Judicial Studies Board
Essex Magistrates' Courts Committee
Expert Witness Institute
Forensic Science Society
Forensic Science Service
Formedecon Ltd
Furnival Chambers
General Council of the Bar
General Council of the Bar, Disability Committee
General Council of the Bar, Sex Discrimination Committee
General Council of the Bar, Race Relations Committee
General Council of the Bar, Young Barristers' Committee
General London Lay Observers Panel
Gloucestershire Magistrates' Courts Committee
Gloucestershire Magistrates' Courts Service
Gloucestershire Probation Service
Gough Square Chambers
Greater Manchester Campaign Against Domestic Violence
Greater Manchester Police
Greater Manchester Probation Service
Halsey Meyer Higgins Solicitors
Hampshire Magistrates' Courts Committee
Hampshire Probation Service
Haringey Magistrates' Courts Committee
Herefordshire Fine Enforcement Panel
Hertfordshire Magistrates' Association
Hertfordshire Magistrates' Courts 'Committee
Hillingdon Magistrates' Courts Committee
HM Customs and Excise
HM Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate
HM Prison Service
Hodgsons Chartered Accountants
Home Office Inspectorate of Probation
Hounslow Magistrates' Courts Committee
Howard League for Penal Reform
Humberside Police HQ
Humberside Probation Committee
Inner London and City Family Panel
Inner London Magistrates' Courts Committee
Inner London Probation Service
Inner London Youth Panel
Institute of Legal Executives
Institute of Linguists
Institute of Translation and Interpreting
Ipswich Magistrates' Courts Committee
Isle of Man Courts of Justice
Joint Council of Stipendiary Magistrates
Judicial Studies Board
Justices' Clerks' Society
Kent Magistrates' Courts Committee
Kent Magistrates' Courts Service
Kent Probation Committee
Kirklees Council
Lancashire Bench
Lancashire Constabulary
Lancashire Probation Committee
Law Commission
Law Commission, New Zealand
Law Society
Law Society, Criminal Law Committee
Leeds District Magistrates Court
Legal Action Group
Leicestershire Bench
Leicestershire Magistrates' Courts Committee
Lincolnshire Police
Local Government Association
Magistrates' Association
Manchester Magistrates' Courts Committee
Mansfield Bench
Market Bosworth Bench
Marten Walsh Cherer Ltd
McCullochs Solicitors
Media Training Centre
Mediation UK
Merseyside Local Authority
Merseyside Magistrates' Courts Committee
Merseyside Probation Service
Metropolitan Police Service, Strategic Development, New Scotland Yard
Mid Glamorgan Probation Service
Ministry of Defence Police, Wethersfield, Braintree
Naborro Nathanson
National Assembly for Wales
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureau
National Association of Probation Officers
National Plant and Equipment Register
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
National Working Group on Fraud
Newcastle Upon Tyne Bench
Newspaper Society
Norfolk Magistrates' Courts Committee
North and West Greater Manchester Magistrates' Courts Committee
North Port Talbot Bench
North Wales Magistrates' Courts Committee
North Westminster Bench
North Yorkshire Magistrates' Courts Committee
Northamptonshire Police
Northern Oxfordshire Bench
Nottingham City Council
Nottinghamshire Magistrates' Courts Committee
Nottinghamshire Magistrates' Courts Service
Oxford and Southern Oxfordshire Magistrates' Divisions
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Probation Service
PA Consulting Group
Parole Board
Police Federation of England and Wales
Powys Magistrates' Courts Committee
Queensland Criminal Justice Commission
Rotherham Magistrates' Courts Committee
Scottish Law Commission
Sentencing Advisory Panel
Serious Fraud Office
Sheffield Magistrates' CourtsCommittee
Shepherd, Harris and Co Solicitors
Shrewsbury Bench
Smith Bernal Court Reporters
Society for Advanced Legal Studies
Society of Conservative Lawyers, Criminal Justice Sub-Committee
Society of Editors
Society of Labour Lawyers
Somerset Magistrates' Association
Sorene Court Reporting and Training Services
South Cumbria Magistrates' Courts Committee
South Hants, Magistrates' Executive Committee of the Petty Sessional Division
South Wales Magistrates' Courts Committee
South Wales Police
South West London Probation Service
South Yorkshire Police, Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Unit
Southampton Bench
Stockport Magistrates' Courts Committee
Stopping Convictions On No Evidence
Suffolk Constabulary
Suffolk Magistrates' Courts Committee
Support After Murder and Manslaughter Centre, Merseyside
Supreme Court Costs Office
Taunton Deane Bench
Teesside Probation Service
Telford Bench
Thames Valley Magistrates' Courts Committee
The Office of the Legal Services Commissioner
Trafford Magistrates' Courts Committee
TV Edwards Solicitors
Uxbridge Bench
Vale of Glamorgan Bench
Values Into Action
Victim Support
Wason and Associates Verbatim Reporters
West Allerdale and Keswick Bench
West Midlands Magistrates' Courts Service
Westgate Chambers
Wigan Magistrates General Purposes Committee
Wiltshire Magistrates' Association
Wiltshire Magistrates' Courts Service
Winchester Bar
Worcestershire Magistrates' Association
Youth At Risk Impact Centre
Youth Justice Board